Espresso Machines
Dual Boiler

How to create latte art: the tulip & rosetta

The Rosetta and Tulip are latte art icons, synonymous with atmospheric cafés and delicious espresso. Bring that elegance to your own home—the Breville Dual Boiler™ makes it easy to create barista-standard third wave specialty coffees in your own kitchen! We show users who have already learned latte art basics how to create both The Rosetta and Tulip designs. To begin each of these latte art techniques, begin by making 'The Dot.' This is done by pouring microfoam from up high into a tilted espresso cup, piercing the crema’s surface in a thin, constant stream. Then move the milk jug so it nearly touches the milk’s surface; soon a white dot will appear. From here, directions depend on intention. To make a rosetta, pour very close to the surface several times to create “arcs.” Then pull the milk through the middle of the arcs and lift the jug to finish. To create a tulip, allow the white dot to grow bigger, like with a heart design. Then pull “leaves” through the design to create a tulip before lifting the jug. Bellissimo!

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