Espresso Machines
Barista Touch

The complete walkthrough

Ready to make your very own delicious, third wave coffee to enjoy from the comfort of your own home? It's time to get to know all about your Barista Pro™. Watch along as our professional roasters and baristas show you how to set up your new espresso machine in no time. First, unbox your Barista Pro™ along with its parts and accessories. Make sure to wash and dry each part thoroughly. Next, an expert roaster will give you the inside scoop on how to choose the best beans. Once you learn the basics, we'll show you how to create the perfect latte. Now it’s time to realize the full potential of using Breville's simple 4 keys formula to create café-quality coffee at home. Each key contributes to the whole by maximizing flavor and quality to the fullest. Next, our step-by-step guide will show you how to achieve the perfect espresso extraction. And finally, follow along as we demonstrate the secret to the best coffee in the world—perfectly textured microfoam milk. Not only does it bring out the best flavor in your full-bodied coffee, you can also use it to create beautiful latte art - we’ll show you how!

If you sit down to enjoy a hot cup of coffee, then your boss will ask you to do something that will last until the coffee is cold.

If you sit down to enjoy a hot cup of coffee, then your boss will ask you to do something that will last until the coffee is cold. Click Here